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pool & tennis facilities

A full tennis court complex and olympic sized swimming pool.

Pool Deck Furniture


Confirmed party dates will be posted to this calendar and on the bulletin board at the pool.


The pool is maintained for the enjoyment of the homeowners of Stratford on Lanier. It is the responsibility of each homeowner to conduct himself/herself, his/her family, and his/her guests in a suitable manner so as not to infringe upon the rights of other homeowners and their guests.



Non-compliance to these rules can result in ejection from the pool. Multiple violators are subject to pool suspension.


The pool is open from daylight until 11:00 pm, except when the pool is closed for maintenance or repairs.


Each homeowner is given one (1) key to the Pool Gate/Tennis Courts and Bathrooms. There will be a $5.00 per key fee for replacement of lost keys. Pool keys are not to be duplicated and given to any family member or friend that does not live in Stratford on Lanier.


Swimming is at the individual’s own risk; there is no lifeguard on duty. The water is shallow; therefore, no diving is permitted.

Guests: Each homeowner is limited to no more than 8 guests in the pool area on weekends and holidays unless you have scheduled a pool party.


  • Homeowners must be present with their guests at all times.

  • Guests are subject to all rules and regulations of the Association regarding the use of the pool.

  • If you have more than 4 guests with you at any time, you are requested to bring extra chairs.

  • Residents are reminded that the pool is for use by all Stratford residents, and cannot be set aside for exclusive party use.

  • All pizza boxes should be removed from the pool premises.


Pool Party Rules: Homeowners wishing to have large parties at the pool must call Robin Neill to schedule the party. Parties are scheduled on a first come-first serve basis. Homeowners wishing to schedule parties are expected to follow the following rules.


The pool cannot be reserved for larger personal parties during peak pool hours: 1 – 6 on Saturday or Sunday.


Pool Deck only for Parties:


  • There will  be a $50.00 Refundable Deposit for all personal pool parties. This deposit will be gladly refunded if the pool area and bathrooms are left totally clean.

  • You will need to provide some chairs so that Stratford homeowners will also be able to enjoy the pool during this time. You might also want to consider bringing a large table if food is to be served.

  • You will be required to remove ALL trash from the pool premises after your party. Do Not leave the trash cans full. The trash is only picked up once per week, so if you don’t remove your trash, overflow situations will occur.

  • These overflows cause more ants and other critters, in addition to the smell of spoiled food.

  • Hose down the pool deck and pool furniture to remove all dropped/spilled food and drink.

  • Place all furniture back to its original locations.

  • Make sure the bathrooms are cleaned.


Usage of Pavilion for Parties:


The usage of the Pavilion Grill must be booked at least (1) one week in advance, FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.


An additional Refundable Deposit of 75.00 for a total of (125.00) must be collected by check when the Pavilion is reserved. “Separate check from the (50.00) Deck Party”.


  • The HOA will not provide an LP gas tank for the grill at any time.

  • The Grill/Searing Burner Tables and Sink must be “Totally Cleaned” and the pool decking hosed off before your (75.00) Check Deposit will be gladly returned to you. NO Exceptions.

  • The Pavilion Reservation cannot be during peak pool hours 1-6 on Saturday or Sunday.

  • Contact Robin Neill  (770) 535-2053


No vehicle of any kind is permitted in the pool area. This includes, but is not limited to: bicycles, skateboards, skates, motorcycles, roller blades, etc.

Children under the age of twelve (12) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (16 years of age or older) in the pool area at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS!!


No items may be placed in the pool other than items such as floats, life preservers, beach balls, and similar swimming paraphernalia.

Pool furniture and equipment shall not be taken from the pool area. All furniture should be returned to its original location.

Animals and pets are prohibited from inside the pool areas at any time.


No Glass or breakable containers at all are allowed within the pool area at any time.  GA State code (290-5-57)


  • Playing with the pool safety and cleaning equipment is strictly prohibited.

  • Running, rough horseplay, acrobatics, or pushing within the pool area is strictly prohibited.

  • The Board of Directors reserves the right to request, via any member of the HOA Board, a resident or his/her guest (s) to leave the pool area when, in the opinion of the Board or its designate, the conduct of the resident and/or his or her guest is in violation of the rules and regulations contained herein or is unduly disturbing to others in or around the pool area.

  • The use of large floats is limited to times when the pool is not crowded.

  • Pool users shall avoid washing dirt and debris into the pool.

  • No one is allowed to climb on the fence enclosing the pool area.

  • After using the pool, homeowners and their guests shall remove any trash or litter placed by them or their guests. The litter and trash shall be placed in the appropriate receptacles.

  • All towels, personal chairs, and personal possessions shall be removed after use of the pool area. The Association is not responsible for any personal items left in or around the pool area.

  • The playing of radios and other audio equipment shall be done in such a manner so as not to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the pool area by other homeowners and their guests.

  • The pool gate must be kept closed at all times and locked when not in use. Propping the pool gate open is prohibited.

  • All persons who are not toilet trained MUST wear swim diapers or rubber pants over a diaper. Regular diapers, which are not reinforced for swim purposes, are not allowed inside the pool. Do Not dispose of soiled diapers in the pool area trash cans.

  • Swim Safely. (See OSHA the posted sign for other safety rules)



NON-payment of yearly association dues will prohibit you from using Stratford amenities until they are paid in full or are on an approved and an up to date payment plan is in effect. This includes any family member invited as a guest of another resident.

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Mailing Address


Stratford on Lanier HOA

P.O. Box 7285

Gainesville, GA 30504

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